Seismic microzoning. Microseismic

Seismic microzoning (SMR) is performed in order to establish the seismic activity in the area intended for construction or reconstruction. This information will help to avoid destruction of the object in the future!

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    When seismic microzoning is needed

    Microseismic is performed when:

    • The facility is located in an area with a seismicity of 6 or more points (first level of responsibility);
    • The facility is located in an area with a seismicity of 7 or more points (second and third levels of responsibility);
    • It is necessary to obtain accurate geophysical data, the level of groundwater, etc.;
    • Determine the presence of karst cavities in the soil.

    SMR allows you to establish the types of hazards that may arise during construction, assess the probability of earthquakes, landslides, and collapses. Specialists study the surface and subsurface. From that,
    how well this study will be performed depends on the stability and service life of the future structure.

    Stages of microseismic works

    In the course of seismic microzoning, the following will be performed:

    • Field work. Study of the area, making sections on the area and conducting tests;
    • Data analysis. Comparison of measurement values ​​with other technical characteristics;
    • Data processing, calculations,
      drawing up final technical reports;
    • Conducting an examination;
    • Print the final report that the client receives.

    “Mirnychiyj” LLP specializes in SMR works and performs them in compliance with DBN. Entrusting us with the work, you are guaranteed to get a reliable and accurate result,
    which can be used during construction.

    How we work
    крок 1
    Your call or email request.
    крок 2
    Agreement on price and terms.
    крок 3
    Advance payment as agreed.
    крок 4
    Dispatch of engineers to the site.
    крок 5
    Data processing and approval.
    крок 6
    Issuance of the final outcome.

    Methods of carrying out works with SMR

    We use the following methods in microseismography:

    • Method of refracted waves;
    • Method of bent waves;
    • Methodology of field seismic observations;
    • Method of analysis of surface waves;
    • Methods of electrical reconnaissance.

    We also perform instrumental observations to determine the level of microseisms (oscillations of the Earth’s surface) in the area.

    seismic microzoning. microseismic

    SMP results

    We provide the client with all the information we received during the research.

    Based on the results of the completed works, the customer receives a complete and reliable report, which contains:

    • Characteristics of the surface and upper rocks of the earth, their composition, thickness, depth;
    • Information about whether there is groundwater on the site,
      karst voids, which is the depth of aquifers;
    • Geophysical dimensions, two- and three-dimensional models of the site for construction;
    • Data on possible fluctuations of seismic waves.

    The cost of such works is many times lower than the possible damage from the fact that the seismic activity on the site was not studied in time!

    seismic microzoning. microseismic 1

    Microseismic services at Mirnychiyj LLC

    “Mirnychiy” LLC carries out seismic microzoning using modern work methods and using high-precision professional equipment. Our specialists have been working in this field for many years, you can rely on their experience.

    we are chosen
    because we offer reasonable prices and a transparent method of calculation. The cost of services does not increase during their performance. We carry out full-fledged work with each client, we will always explain everything and help in solving issues that will arise in the process.

    To order microseismic works from us, leave a request on the website or call us.
    Our manager will guide you about the cost of the service!

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