Measurements of the area of fields with a drone
Among the latest technological systems for measuring the area of fields or other land plots, it is possible to single out the measurement of the area of a plot of land by a drone. Before UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) came into widespread use, the newest measurement system was GPS navigation devices, which were activated during the detour of the site by motor vehicle. Now special cameras and devices can be installed on drones and take pictures or measurements. The results are stored for later analysis.
What tasks does UAV field surveying perform?
A farmer can not only admire his allotments, watching the image on the monitor during aerial photography. Through the cameras installed on the UAV, you can see the condition of the fields, predict the harvest and measure their area.
The first pictures from the air date back to 1886, when an airbrush was raised to a height with the help of a balloon. Since then, a real revolution has taken place in aerial photography. Today, modern devices make it possible to obtain accurate data for calculations and measurements of fields in various angles and spectra.
With the use of drones, the company Mirnychyj LLC successfully performs the following tasks:
- provides field area measurement services;
- does multispectral aerial photography;
- receives an orthophoto plan.
Measuring the area of a plot of land with a drone is of the utmost importance for farmers. For example, a drone can be used to measure sowing areas, the size of fields that are not developed, where there are negative conditions for growing plants. Thus, it is possible to obtain information that is further used in agricultural work, business plans, project development.
Multispectral imaging is carried out by a UAV in the near or red IR range. In this way, it is possible to detect qualitative indicators of biomass on the site.
Orthophotoplan shows all the objects taken from the air on the pictures, but they look as if they are at an angle – in the form of an orthogonal projection.
An orthophoto plan is made from numerous aerial photographs with the help of mathematical transformations. The result is 1 picture that exactly corresponds to all the dimensions and scales of each object on the site. With the help of such a picture, you can measure the exact areas of different areas, because it is compiled on the basis of geodetic data.
Why is it important to measure the area of a field
It is important to measure land plots using a drone, as the problem of incomplete data in cadastral documentation very often arises. Another problem is different approaches to how to measure the area of a land plot. As a result, there are property disputes, cadastral inconsistencies,
such as:
- discrepancies in the actual site boundaries and documentary boundaries;
- superimposing the borders of one area on the border of another;
- independent allocation of land;
- duplication of plot data in cadastral documents.
Therefore, it is very important to measure the field area using modern equipment, which gives high accuracy and reliability of the result.
Why should you entrust the measurement of fields to the Mirnychyj company
Our company has many advantages:
- We have extensive experience in providing geodetic services;
- We work with modern equipment;
- Our company has set low prices for services;
- We employ highly qualified specialists;
- We guarantee the high accuracy of all the data you receive at the exit.
If you have difficulties with setting the site boundaries, we will solve them quickly and easily! Our company works both in Lviv and in other cities of Ukraine.