How is static soil probing carried out?

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    Static soil sounding is a research method used to obtain important information about the properties and structure of soils in a certain area, mainly for the design of buildings on piles, but it is also suitable for other types of foundations. Let’s look at the steps of this process:

    1. Preparation: A specialized team of geologists and engineers determines the location and depth for sounding and installs the necessary equipment.
    2. Probe installation: The static sounding probe is installed at selected points in the ground. This probe has sensors that allow you to measure various parameters of the soil, such as: strength, density, lateral and frontal friction, resistance and others.
    3. Data collection: After installing the probe, the data collection process begins. The probe gradually descends into the depth, collecting information about different layers of the soil on its way.
    4. Data analysis: The obtained data is subjected to detailed analysis by geologists and engineers. This analysis helps to understand soil characteristics such as strength, density, etc.
    5. Report preparation: Based on the results of the analysis, a detailed report is generated that contains information about soil properties, recommendations for construction or other engineering works.

    Our company “Mirnychyj” will provide high-quality and reliable static soil probing services to help you with the implementation of any engineering projects. To receive more detailed information – contact our managers.